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Our Gardens has adopted an approach to distributing the work necessary to have a successful garden and accomplish our goals called “Workshare”.  Workshare divides the work into smaller parts, distributed to every gardener.


We are a COMMUNITY garden, and every Gardener needs to do contribute by doing their share. Sstarting September 1, 2023, for this Fall growing season, we will be asking each new and returning gardener, as they sign up for their plot, to commit to help in some tangible way for a minimum number of hours, to in some way help with the whole garden.  If we all do our small part, our garden will flourish, giving us both fresh picked organic food to eat, and to share with others and the community what we have built.


All Plot Holders are required to perform a minimum of 2 hours of work per month, as part of a Team in the common areas of the garden, which do not include their own plot or adjacent paths.   They must also maintain their own Plot in a manner consistent with its purpose. 


With our Workshare program, there is no General Manager.  We hava an Executive Board of Directors - President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, who are responsible for administrative funcions.  Also Members of the Board of Directors are the leaders of Core Teams, that are responsible for the operation of the Gardens, in other words getting the work done.   are all volunteers, and the way work 


All Members of the Board serve in a WorkShare capacity as described above.   Executive Board Members may also represent one of the Corel Teams.   By productive service on the Board, they are considered to have met their Workshare Requirements


Team Leaders:  Each Team Leader, who has been authorized by the Board, by the performance of their team leadership is considered to have met their Workshare requirements. 


All Plot holders are required to sign up and participate in at least one Team, and serve at the direction of the Team Leader.   Each month, the Team Leader will confirm sufficient active participation by each member on their Team as meeting their Workshare Requirements.   



The purpose of Teams is to provide coordinated leadership and order, paradoxically to keep our Gardens informal and welcoming.   Teams are organized under the Board Members (which can vary between 9 and 13 depending how many Core Team positions are simultaneously held by Executive Board Members), and report for Workshare purposes those who participate in workshare.   They are responsible for organizing specific tasks or projects and identify needs.   


Projects and Tasks are specific things that need to be done, and can be described.   Projects and Tasks can be somewhat fluid, and need to be to meet our changing need, seasons, talents, and opportunities.   All Members can help with any project or team, -- and are encouraged to do so to meet others, learn more, and just have fun at our Garden, provided your Team Tasks needs are met.  


Under Teams, there can be a number of tasks, and subtasks, generally, with descriptions including specifics such as date, time, number of persons needed, anticipated time needed, and special skills and equipment if applicable.



Not everyone has, or needs, a designated garden plot.  We are a gardening community, and there are lots of ways to contribute and be involved without a plot, and still fully join in all activities at the Gardens. The Common Area, where plants are grown for the benefit of all Members has a number of designated areas including the Butterfly  Garden, the Pollinator Garden, the Aroma Garden, and herb gardens, where all Members can "pick 10%, leave the rest".  There are opportuinties for adult and children's education, And there are limited openings with the Bee Team, in the Aspery and honey harvesting.   There is much to contribute without having the responsibity of maintaining a garden plot.


To become a member, with or without a garden plot, first review the Gardener's Handbook, the highlights of which are in this menu item.  If you are comfortable with the time and labor committment required, review the form also under this menu item.  You may want to contact a Board Member via Email or at one of our Orientation Sessions (usually on a Saturday). and choose which Teams you would choose as required on the Form.  


Email the form to the Registrar ( BUT SEND NO MONEY. You will be notified of your acceptance, and after becoming a Member you will be put on our waiting list for a Plot, or join us immediaterly as a Non-Plot Voting Member, or Non=Plot Non-voting Member.  The form details these options.


Clearwater Community Gardens

©2023 by Clearwater Community Gardens. Proudly created with

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